This morning, at 4:24, I held my mom’s hand as she took her final breath. After an inspiring 2 year battle with stage IV cancer, being given up on, dragging around pumps and drainage bags, constant nausea, vomiting and pain the strongest person I know found peace and comfort as she left us for a better place. It was unexpected for us but I’m confident she saw it coming as she could say very little aside from a very robotic “right” yet managed to look me in eye and say “Kenz, I’m ready.” I only wish I could’ve honestly said the same thing back to her. We weren’t ready... though I don’t think you ever really can be. We have been so fortunate to have such an amazing support system during this seemingly endless roller coaster. On the ambulance ride I was showing her comments and pictures which never failed to make her smile. She even bragged about them to the paramedic sitting next to her. I’m not sure when or if this will ever sink in but I do know for sure that I was blessed with the best mother I could have ever asked for.